Saturday, March 12, 2011

Saturday Morning Sunrise: Caramelized Apple and Cheddar Cheese Crêpes

I love Saturday mornings because it means that I still get one more sleep-in before work starts again. I love the first morning sun creeping through the blinds, gently reminding you that spring is around the corner. I love waking up to a house full of people ready to make a big hungry-man breakfast, and more than anything, I love the first sip of my citrus vanilla tea. Hmmmm…Saturday mornings. They’ve evolved so much since we were kids, yet stayed exactly the same. Still satisfying, but the cartoons just aren’t the same. The creative animated geniuses out there might still be asleep, but the foodies in this household are awake and hungry.
Breakfast is my favourite meal of the day. It is so satisfying and provides you with energy to face the day ahead. I still cannot understand how people skip this extremely critical meal. I actually can’t think straight if I don’t eat first thing in the morning, or hourly. So when my sister rolled in this morning bragging about the crêpes she had made last night with her buddies, I was instantly salivating. I want crêpes! Delicious warm and sweet crêpes stuffed with something delicious and a hint of salt. Yes…crêpes it is. I had a few left over apples and a small chunk of extra old cheddar cheese left, so why not? My darling sister lent her crêpe making expertise and I obediently followed her lead while caramelizing my apples for this easy and quick breakfast. I layered the apples over the warm crêpe and added a few slices of extra old cheese. The lightly sweet and bitter flavours from the apples mixed with the salty strong tastes of the cheese teases the palate like no other. Drizzle some pure maple syrup on top of this morning delish, and voilà! A no stress, no mess, little taste of Paris!
Xox Dom Appetit!

Caramelized Apple and Cheddar Cheese Crêpes
Prep Time: 15 mins
Cook Time: 20 mins
Tools Needed: 2 medium frying pan, medium mixing bowl, ladle, measuring cup, knife, peeler, cutting board, whisk
2-3 apples
1 tablespoon of brown sugar
1 tablespoon of butter
8 slices of cheese
1 cup of all-purpose flour
1 cup of milk (give or take)
¼ cup of granulated sugar
Pinch of salt
1 egg
Pure Maple Syrup for drizzling
1) Peel and cut apples into thin slices. Cut cheese slices and put to the side. (If you prefer grated cheese, go right ahead!)
2) Melt butter on pan in medium heat and add apples, caramelizing with brown sugar. Cover and set aside once softened.
3) Whisk flour, sugar, salt and milk in bowl making sure that the consistency is not too thick and not too liquid (add milk if needed)
4) Melt small pad of butter in pan on medium heat and drop 2/3 of a ladle in pan, making sure to twist pan so batter is equally distributed and thinned out (as thin as possible). Cook on each side for approx. 2 mins, ensuring does not burn, flipping once golden brown. Remove and put on plate. Continue until all batter is completed.
5) Spoon apples into center of crêpe and top off with cheese. Flip one side of crêpe over and roll closed. Drizzle with maple syrup and serve! (The batter makes 10 crêpes, but I suggested filling for 6 crêpes. You can increase the apples for more filling!

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